Posts Tagged ‘Adoption’

Youth Smartphone Acquisition Drivers: Affordability, Sociability and Innovation

May 18, 2011 11:23 by Adelynne Chao

The smartphone market has been growing rapidly over the past few years, with smartphone adoption spreading across the population. The youth market is also picking up this trend and the numbers who want or own a smartphone device are growing. So which smartphones are being adopted by future generations and why?

A smartphone for Christmas

The youth market for mobile devices is swiftly rising, and the age at which children acquire their first mobile phone is getting younger and younger. It is estimated that over 90% of 12-15 year olds already have a mobile phone and the number of smartphone acquisitions in this market is also growing [1]. Considering that a large amount of mobile phones acquired by the youth market are being gifted and are often from the medium to high-end price range, it is not surprising that the youth market are picking up the smartphone trend. Also, considering that most of the time it is the end-user that is influencing purchase of the gift, it is interesting to find out what are driving these decisions [1].

Mobile Payments: The importance of trust and familiarity and the power of co-operation

May 12, 2011 10:45 by Nick Peppiatt

Near Field Communication (NFC) – the technology that supports close proximity mobile payment services – has been around for many years. However, up until recently, the NFC-enabled mobile devices and service support needed to make such payments a reality have been lacking.

In this video blog, Ryan Garner looks at the barriers to adoption, demonstrating that Trust and Familiarity of supplier brands will drive consumer preference and arguing the need for co-operation between brands from different sectors.

To read the full report, please click here.
To read the report article in the Free TechTalk Magazine, please click here.