Posts Tagged ‘Apple’

TechTalk: The TV Edition

08/08/2012 16:58 by Aoife McArdle

The TV edition of our magazine, TechTalk, is now out, exploring current trends, issues and market developments affecting technology organisations today. 

It’s difficult to think of a technology that has been more important and influential than TV.

For a large part of the twentieth century, TV played a key part in many of our lives, entertaining and informing, serving as a virtual fireplace. The latest technology evolutions, such as Connected TV, have the potential to completely change this TV-viewing culture and experience. Today, we can choose from an almost limitless selection of content, challenging a past era of restrictive, scheduled viewing. Additionally, the rise of the ‘second screen’, mainly in the form of smartphones or tablets, has added a new dimension to TV viewing, enabling us to engage with content in new ways.

Switching your Digital Ecosystem: A painful process?

30/11/2011 16:12 by Aoife McArdle

In the latest edition of The GfK TechTalk magazine, Richard Preedy looks at the issue of switching between smartphones (differentiated by their OS e.g. Android) and why it’s becoming increasingly difficult for consumers. When benchmarked against everyday services and utilities, consumers worry more about having to switch the type of smartphone they own than their insurance, home telephone or pay TV providers.

In this video blog, Richard Preedy explains why simpler, integrated user experiences are playing a huge role in driving this aversion to switching. These user experiences are no longer just device-specific, but relate to the wider ecosystem of digital content and devices.

You can read the full article by visiting the latest GfK TechTalk online magazine here.

The Path to 4G: A Walk Through The Cloud

25/07/2011 08:56 by Ryan Garner and Rob Barrish

Consumers are now using various connected devices to socialize, communicate and access a plethora of content and services. Smartphones have accelerated this trend and allow consumers to manage more of their personal and work lives without being restricted by location or time. Cloud based services are the next step in liberating consumers’ most loved content and service as the device is removed as a barrier to access. Network infrastructure is central to this shift to the cloud. 4G networks are the catalyst needed and security the hurdle to overcome. However, with learnings from the enterprise sector, security is not only an obstacle but can also serve as a driver for adoption.

Mobile Payments: The importance of trust and familiarity and the power of co-operation

12/05/2011 10:45 by Nick Peppiatt

Near Field Communication (NFC) – the technology that supports close proximity mobile payment services – has been around for many years. However, up until recently, the NFC-enabled mobile devices and service support needed to make such payments a reality have been lacking.

In this video blog, Ryan Garner looks at the barriers to adoption, demonstrating that Trust and Familiarity of supplier brands will drive consumer preference and arguing the need for co-operation between brands from different sectors.

To read the full report, please click here.
To read the report article in the Free TechTalk Magazine, please click here.

Tablets: The cure for news publishers’ ailments?

14/04/2011 16:10 by David Pritchard

With sales of printed newspapers in decline and widespread expectation of free news online, publishers need a radical change of strategy in the way they deliver content, to win back the public’s wallets. News site paywalls are currently testing the most straightforward route, offering users unique and diverse content in exchange for a subscription fee, in a bid to effectively monetise a loyal digital audience. The question is, will tablets – bringing with them a richer, and more engaging user experience – be the bridge that turns the trickle of paying digital news readers into a flood?

Mobile payments and the potential of NFC in 2011: A story about the Android that wanted to share, the BlackBerry that didn’t and the Apple that could take a bite out of anybody

07/04/2011 08:47 by Nick Peppiatt

NFC technology has the ability to transform smartphones into virtual wallets, where users pay for transactions simply by waving their phone at an appropriate receiver terminal. However, it also has much wider applications, allowing for synchronised content and services across the mobile ecosystem [1]. The reward for owning this relationship in the mobile space is enormous, and as a result everyone, from mobile operators to device manufacturers, is fighting for a share.

The industry message seems clear; mobile payments will be big over the next five years – big news and big profits. The technology has been around in various forms for years and, now that leading names such as Apple, Google and RIM are designing and manufacturing NFC-equipped devices, many commentators predict that mobile payments will skyrocket [2].

However, while this will undoubtedly be a major growth area for the future, such reports seldom address the fact that the journey to full consumer adoption is not without its pitfalls.

Consumers are moving to the cloud…so why are people still buying vinyl records?

29/03/2011 12:50 by Richard Preedy

Common opinion generally decrees that, in the future, the majority of consumers will be moving to the cloud to obtain broader access to music. While this is almost certainly true, in the fragmented world of consumer music consumption, a ‘collector’ mentality and desire for personal ownership continue to exist amongst many music fans. The music industry needs to ensure these different needs are addressed, rather than assuming a single model will satisfy all consumers.

Vinyl records not affected by the industry downturn?

Over the last few years a pleasing story has continued to appear like clockwork in the press. Amid general doom and gloom and tales of music industry collapse, we are told, somewhat counter-intuitively, that sales of vinyl records are continuing to increase. See the chronologically listed selection of articles below for proof.[1]

Apple’s iPad2 vs. Android: who are the contenders for 2011 tablet domination?

01/03/2011 16:19 by Richard Preedy

Despite a deluge of new device offerings, tablet PCs look unlikely to become mass market this year, meaning individual manufacturers will have to strongly differentiate their products to grab the limited share of the market available. Apple still dominates in consumer minds, but Samsung, Blackberry and other Android devices look set to offer a compelling challenge.


As expected, February’s Mobile World Congress in Barcelona and the CES show in January revealed a surge of new tablet offerings from the major hardware manufacturers, all vying to compete with the success of the ubiquitous Apple iPad.

But while the tablet market is clearly in ascendancy, at present it is still very much nascent and we are unlikely to see the same growth this year as we expect from other categories, such as Smartphones.[i]

2011 tablet market likely to remain niche

Why mobile payments will be a success in 2011…

26/01/2011 14:11 by Ryan Garner

Many mobile companies and big brands are ready to launch mobile payment services this year. Although there is a healthy amount of consumer scepticism, there is also enough interest among early adopters and smartphone users to make this a success.

Last month TechTalk published a post about NFC (Near Field Communication) based mobile services becoming adopted among a wider consumer base in 2011. At the time of publishing we highlighted a number of new services and advances being made, from small start-ups to smartphone giants such as Apple, Google and Nokia. Now we’re almost one month into 2011 the news and developments on NFC, in particular mobile payments, continues to hit the headlines in the technology press. Most notably, O2[1] is beefing up their m-payments team ahead of its NFC based mobile payments service launch later this year, whilst  Google announced the launch of Android 2.3 OS (Gingerbread)[2], which adds support for NFC.

In 2010 consumer appetite for IPTV was established. In 2011 a battle for openness, control and content partnerships will define this new technology

05/01/2011 13:01 by Rachel Hamilton

The television experience is constantly changing and evolving with the increasing number of devices and platforms available to watch video content. This year two of the tech giants, Apple and Google, have seriously entered the market to make the web accessible through your television screen. However, both have very different strategies as the battle over openness and control will play out through your television sets in 2011.

How IPTV has changed in 2010

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