Posts Tagged ‘e-readers’

Tech Trends 2012 – Harmonisation of Digital Life

26/03/2012 12:23 by Hannah Tierney

At a time when innovation in devices, mobility and connectivity continue to drive the way we use everyday services, socialise and communicate, what trends can we expect to emerge in the forthcoming months? Using GfK data to explore how technology is likely to evolve throughout this year, we’ve identified five consumer-led trends to look out for…

1 – Reaching the Cloud

This is the year that cloud-based solutions will creep into the mainstream. Offering internet-based computing where shared information, software, and resources are accessible on demand, this trend is largely driven by the ever-increasing use of smartphones, connected devices and other advanced mobile applications. As such, it is an essential development to complement the ecosystem as it facilitates consistent service usage and storage across any device.

Technology and the 21st century worker

23/05/2011 14:46 by Keiran Pedley

Increased productivity, or increased stress?
New findings by GfK NOP show that, although modern workers are embracing technology right now, there is evidence that the pace of change is risking a divided workforce. This situation presents significant challenges for policy makers and business leaders, creating a need to ensure the workforce is adequately trained and can manage the increased pressure and stress levels of working in an ever-connected environment.

Teleconferencing, BlackBerries, smartphones and, now, tablet computers mean it has never been easier to be in contact with the office. As technological advances alter the way we work, a debate has emerged between those that stress the unhealthy blurring of the boundaries between work and personal lives, and those that see technology as empowering the modern worker to fit their career around other demands on their time.
