Posts Tagged ‘Football’

Promising signs for 3D TV… but not this year

January 29, 2010 17:24 by Richard Preedy

GfK NOP research shows good levels of interest in 3D TV amongst adult consumers. The main barriers to adoption will eventually disappear, but are likely to stall early widespread adoption.

One of the recurring items in the numerous “predicted technology trends for 2010” lists that emerged at the start of the year was 3D TV.

The interest in 3D technology has been steadily growing over the last couple of years with various films being re-released in, or designed specifically for, 3D viewing, not least James Cameron’s epic Avatar and its accompanying high budget hype machine, which exploded the awareness of the technology with the masses and smashed box-office records.

With Sky’s live broadcast of Manchester United vs. Arsenal this weekend signalling the first live 3D sporting broadcast on TV and acting as a showpiece for Sky’s 3D service that will be available from April, it’s fair to say that 3D  is now firmly entering the realm of the consumer.