07/04/2011 08:47 by Nick Peppiatt
NFC technology has the ability to transform smartphones into virtual wallets, where users pay for transactions simply by waving their phone at an appropriate receiver terminal. However, it also has much wider applications, allowing for synchronised content and services across the mobile ecosystem [1]. The reward for owning this relationship in the mobile space is enormous, and as a result everyone, from mobile operators to device manufacturers, is fighting for a share.

The industry message seems clear; mobile payments will be big over the next five years – big news and big profits. The technology has been around in various forms for years and, now that leading names such as Apple, Google and RIM are designing and manufacturing NFC-equipped devices, many commentators predict that mobile payments will skyrocket [2].
However, while this will undoubtedly be a major growth area for the future, such reports seldom address the fact that the journey to full consumer adoption is not without its pitfalls.
This is a preview of
Mobile payments and the potential of NFC in 2011: A story about the Android that wanted to share, the BlackBerry that didn’t and the Apple that could take a bite out of anybody
Read the full post (2008 words, 1 image, estimated 8:02 mins reading time)
Tags: Android, Apple, Apps, Barclaycard, Blackberry, consumers, Contactless Payments, Customer, Future, , Handsets, Internet, iPhone, iPhone 5, iTunes, Market Research, Mobile Apps, Mobile Ecosystems, Mobile OS, Mobile Pay App, Mobile Payments, Mobile Research, Mobile Wallet, Near Field Communication, Network Operators, NFC, Orange, Smartphones, T-mobile
Posted in Comment & Opinion, Mobile Payments | 4 Comments »
06/09/2010 11:45 by Ian Ralph
Technology cycles tend to
last about ten years, from the personal computing era of the ‘80s, through the desktop computing era of the ‘90s to the mobile computing era of the early 21st century. Each has brought more computing power, better user experiences, lower prices and expanded services to more people. And with every new technology comes new opportunities for the research industry. None more so than the saturation of mobile phone ownership and the increasing power and capabilities of the modern smartphones.
GfK has been investigating various ways that mobile technology can be leveraged for research purposes, and this is a brief introduction to a few of our recent initiatives.
Taking mobile-based surveys mainstream: a Nokia case study
Tags: Insight, Methodology, Mobile Apps, Mobile Research, Research Techniques, Revelation, Smartphones
Posted in Innovations in Research | 1 Comment »
29/06/2010 09:03 by Ian Ralph
A recent GfK NOP Technology report shows consumers’ love affair with mobile phone applications has turned from a dalliance into a settled and dependable relationship. With a fifth of smartphone users downloading more apps than six months ago, mobile applications may soon replace browsers as the main gateway to the web for mobile phone users.
To read the full GfK NOP Technology report click here
Permanent link to this post (66 words, 1 image, estimated 16 secs reading time)
Tags: Consumer, Mobile Apps, Mobile Services & Apps, Smartphones
Posted in Mobile Services & Apps | 1 Comment »