31/03/2010 13:30 by Priyesh Patel
Users of Google Chrome are young and heavy users of the internet. By attracting this demographic they are best placed to topple Internet Explorer from top spot in the browser wars.
We recently showed that Internet Explorer’s UK market share is being eroded by the recent EU enforced . Mozilla Firefox and Google Chrome are the main beneficiaries as they continue to increase their share of the internet browser market, but where exactly is this growth coming from? We have used the GfK browser data to understand who exactly is using the different browsers and what this all means.
This is a preview of Google Chrome is winning market share from Internet Explorer in areas that will hurt most
Tags: Chrome, Demographic, Firefox, , Internet, Internet Browser, Internet Explorer, Market Share, Microsoft, Mozilla
Posted in Internet Browsers |
26/03/2010 12:02 by Ryan Garner
Since Windows introduced a browser ballot at the start of March, GfK Technology research shows that Internet Explorer has lost market share in the UK. Google Chrome and Mozilla Firefox have been the main beneficiaries of this new EU enforced regulation.

It was inevitable that Internet Explorer would lose some of its market share when its users were offered alternative browsers at the start of March. The EU thought it was essential that consumers should be offered a choice of browser, to stimulate competition in the browser market.
Early data suggests that when faced with an option, UK consumers have opted for an alternative browser. As we approach the end of March we can see that since the beginning of the month Internet Explorer’s market share in the UK has dropped 5%, with Google Chrome and Firefox each gaining an additional 3% market share.
This is a preview of Google Chrome and Firefox gaining ground on Internet Explorer since Windows browser ballot
Tags: Apple, Chrome, Consumer, EU, Firefox, , Internet Browser, Internet Explorer, Market Share, Microsoft, Mozilla, Opera, Regulation, Safari, Usage, Windows
Posted in Internet Browsers |