The mainstream consumer generally opts for a device that integrates lots of functionality. If the ‘third device’ with greater functionality does take off, eBook readers will, more than likely, become a niche product.

I love the idea of an eBook reader especially one with an ‘always on’ 3G connection. The battery life is superb, lasting in many cases well over a week and the e-ink screens are almost essential for prolonged spells of reading. I like the idea of receiving my favourite newspaper and other magazine subscriptions directly to a device all ready for my morning commute.

However, my desire to own an eBook reader is not driven by a personal urge to carry around a library of novels.  It is actually for business purposes. I could make better use of my commute by catching up on the news and reviewing work documents. Indeed, having access to meeting documents or presentations on an eBook reader whilst travelling to a meeting would be highly convenient.

It’s encouraging for eBook readers that sales of them in the USA are supposedly strong. Barnes and Noble’s Nook quickly sold out and Amazon’s Kindle is their “number one best-selling” product on However, no one is sure how many eBook readers have been sold due to the secrecy of the sales figures, particularly from Amazon. Now with the arrival of tablet PCs, especially Apple’s iPad, eBook readers face stiff competition.

As a result, I fear that interest in eBook readers will be limited to two types of users; business people and extreme reading enthusiasts. If there is a big uptake in consumer demand for a ‘third device’ (i.e. something that sits inbetween a smartphone and a laptop) then I believe that the large majority of people will opt for a device that has multiple uses.

We have already seen that those who have experienced the benefits of an iPhone (and its  seemingly unlimited uses) are . Now that the dust has settled on the announcement of Apple’s iPad, many commentators believe its success will rely on the consumer being able to tailor the . Further to this, others are already excited at the new applications the iPad will enable.  One of my favourites is to use it as a board game.

The specialist nature of eBook readers seem to be reflected in interest levels among UK consumers. Prior to Apple’s announcement of their iPad, GfK Technology research showed that interest levels in eBook readers (23%) was half that of tablet PCs (45%). Perhaps not surprisingly, interest levels for eBook readers are higher among those who had recently bought either a physical newspaper or a book.

It is my view that the success of a product is highly dependent on the problem it solves or the demand it satisfies. History has shown that those devices that satisfy numerous need states naturally succeed, limiting specialist devices to a niche audience.


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Research Info

*1000 online interviews were conducted by GfK NOP among a UK representative sample of internet users. The fieldwork was conducted between 15th – 19th January 2010
